X Author: Robert Hosbach
Rainer, Leo, Alan K Meier, and Robert Hosbach."Energy use of residential safety, security, and health devices."Energy and Buildings
250 (2021) 111217. DOI
Butzbaugh, Joshua, Robert Hosbach, and Alan K Meier."Miscellaneous electric loads: Characterization and energy savings potential."Energy and Buildings
241 (2021) 110892. DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Alan K Meier, Richard Liou, and Robert Hosbach."Emerging Zero-Standby Solutions for Miscellaneous Electric Loads and the Internet of Things."Electronics
8.5 (2019). DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Alan K Meier, Robert Hosbach, and Richard Liou."Zero Standby Solutions with Optical Energy Harvesting from a Laser Pointer."Electronics
7.11 (2018). DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Alan K Meier, Robert Hosbach, and Richard Liou."Emerging Solutions to the Standby Power Problem."ACEEE 2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Fares, Robert, Marina Sofos, Jared Langevin, Robert Hosbach, Alan K Meier, Joshua Butzbaugh, and Paul Ehrlich."Improving Characterization of Miscellaneous Energy Loads in Energy Demand Models."2018 ACEEE Summer Study